The Philadelphia Orchestra sucks

As some of you already know, my childhood pet cat, Sandy (aka "Kitty") died in September of 2007. As I was upset and wanted to do something to help myself and my family in our grieving process, I made a youtube video of Kitty using Claire De Lune by Debussy. I got an email from youtube this week, telling me the Philadelphia Orchestra wants the video removed because I used their song (which they didn't even write!!) My video was helping people grieve, I had gotten messages from a lot of other cat owners who said my video was very nice and they had lost pets in the past, etc. Jeez, some people really know how to be jerks, it's not like I was making money off it.

1 comment:

Spiceymike said...

Welcome to the capitalist world of YouTube! Everything seems to become no holds barred when it comes to that site now. You could do it via Facebook though as they now support embedding which you could link via here but obviously the advantage of YouTube is that it gets across to a lot of people. Worth a try though, at least you'd be able to still have your original video as you wanted it.

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