Strange's Oscar Picks

First of all I must stress that I have not seen all the movies nominated for every category. So of course this is only for fun and not to be taken that seriously.

Actor in a Leading Role:

Richard Jenkins "The Visitor" *I have not seen this movie
Frank Langella "Frost/Nixon"
Sean Penn "Milk"
Brad Pitt "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"
Mickey Rourke "The Wrestler"

This contest is definitely between Rourke and Penn. Both performances touched me. Jeez this is hard!!!! I'm gonna give it to Penn or can they somehow tie? Nope, I changed my mind. Rourke ftw!

Actor in a Supporting Role

Josh Brolin "Milk"
Robert Downey Jr. "Tropic Thunder"
Phillip Semour Hoffman "Doubt"
Heath Ledger "The Dark Knight"
Michael Shannon "Revolutionary Road"

Another great list. But this for sure goes to Heath Ledger.

Actress in a Leading Role

Anne Hathaway "Rachel Getting Married" *I have not seen this movie
Melissa Leo "Frozen River" *I have not seen this movie
Angelina Jolie "Changeling" *I have not seen this movie
Meryl Streep "Doubt"
Kate Winslet "The Reader"

Okay this is really biased since I have only seen 2 out of the 5 but I'm giving it to Kate!!

Actress in a Supporting Role

Amy Adams "Doubt"
Viola Davis "Doubt"
Penelope Cruz "Vicky Cristina Barcelona"
Taraji P. Henson "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"
Marisa Tomei "The Wrestler"

This category is probably the most deep. This is hard to choose but I really think it should go to Viola Davis. Such a great performance captured in only 5 minutes. Hard to do, especially when you are opposite Meryl Streep!!

Animated Feature Film

Bolt *I have not seen this movie
Kung Fu Panda

I liked Kung Fu Panda!!! Wall-E was great for the first half, then really fizzled for me, and actually offended me (we are supposed to turn into lazy humans and not even care??). Kung Fu Panda is my pick.
I'm gonna skip a few categories here that I don't know how to choose and go to directing!


David Fincher "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"
Ron Howard "Frost/Nixon"
Gus Van Sant "Milk"
Stephen Daldry "The Reader"
Danny Boyle "Slumdog Millionaire"

Hard!!! Danny Boyle. No, Gus Van Sant. Yes, Gus Van Sant.

Best Picture

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Slumdog Millionaire
The Reader

I think Slumdog Millionaire should win. All movies were great. Benjamin Button only doesn't win because of that weird part that doesn't seem to fit in the movie that I talked about in a previous post. The Reader would be my second choice. I was unexpectedly bawling during a certain part.


Feels really good. It feels even better to hold someone's hand and skip together. It's also a great workout.

What me and my sister do almost everyday...


*Do not watch this video if you have never watched LOST, because :

A) It won't be funny or make sense
B) You might be planning on seeing LOST later on and don't want any spoilers.

Enjoy all you LOST fans!

Slumdog Millionaire

For the WIN!

Revolutionary Road

My boyfriend and I went to the movies last night. We were going to see Slumdog Millionaire but we were a little late and the theatre was packed. So we switched out our tickets for Revolutionary Road. Wow. This movie should win Best Picture at the Oscars. But it won't. It's not even nominated.

Frozen in Time

Elyse sent me a link to this amazing video on youtube which reminds me of both episode #20 of The Twilight Zone called "Elegy", and episode #76 entitled "Still Valley".

The Hall of Presidents

In Walt Disney World, is being refurbished with our new president!

How exciting! I've never seen it, but now it is definitely more exciting!


I've had my AT&T phone plane since August 08 and I have never used all of my anytime minutes. I've never had to use my rollover minutes--until now! I've been talking to my little sister a lot, she has cabin fever over in Illinois (where it has been like -30 degrees with the windchill).

Neil Patrick Harris

January 10, 2009 marked a great episode for Saturday Night Live. Neil Patrick Harris was the host and the musical guest was Taylor Swift. I used to love to watch Doogie Howser, M.D on Wednesday nights. I had a semi-crush on Doogie and even his friend. I think his friend's name was Vinnie. I remember that when I was 9, I used to have to go to weekday school on those nights so I would miss the show(basically like a CCD thing, where you go to church and take class with other 9 year olds and have to read bible passages and nobody wanted to be there). Anyways, I thought this clip was hilarious.

The Inaguration

Was great. I am proud to be an American again. I cried a lot while watching because it was beautiful to see the hope in people's eyes. My favorite color is yellow, and I was so happy to see Michelle dressed in it. She looked great. Yellow is a very hard color to pull off, and she did it wonderfully.

Nintendo, Save Our Grass

In the new Animal Crossing: City Folk for the Wii, Nintendo created a new feature that would wear down grass into little unique paths in your town, wherever you walk most. However, it was not tested sufficiently creating what AC gamers are calling town desertification. People's towns are turning into piles of dirt, where snow will not fall, making it impossible to roll snowballs into snowmen. Please sign the petition .

I Feel Love

Luke came over this weekend and showed me this funny '80s video he found. We like to laugh at it and enjoy Marc Almond's sincerity. You can't go wrong as long as you are sincere. I can't stop watching it. I love all the obvious phallic symbols and the sexy matador. So gay and so fab.

*Sorry, the video has been removed. If you want to look it up it is "I Feel Love" By Bronski Beat.

Happy Birthday, Michelle

It's Michelle Obama's 45th birthday today!

Another Anxiety Dream

So last night I dreamt that I was driving to my boyfriend's apartment (he lives approximately 65 miles south of me). In the dream it was nighttime and I missed my exit because I was talking on my bluetooth headset (to my boyfriend). Then of course when I realize I am lost my phone stops working so I can't get help. I am in some weird casino town that is really dark in some areas. I keep ending up in strange elevators or high ramps with stairs and I have to carry my car down the stairs. Then after awhile of this and asking people where Irvine is to no help, I decide I need to wake up.

Animal Crossing: City Folk

Phineas was in the City again today! How rare is that? So this time I got the bunny balloon. You don't get to choose your color, but he gave me a yellow one! I'm not sure how he knew that yellow was my favorite color, I can't remember if there are Wii settings that ask about your favorite color.

Sas Wii

In response to Luke's blog:

The crush grows even stronger...

Look how intensely she points that Wiimote!

Animal Crossing: City Folk

In another post, I mentioned how I hadn't met the prize man in the city in Animal Crossing. Well, he was there today! He is a walrus I think...nope, he is a sea lion (just looked it up). He asked me what prize I wanted and the choices were tough: balloon, bunny balloon, pinwheel, and a bubble wand. It was between the bunny balloon and the bubble wand for me. I ended up getting the bubble wand because you can interact with it! It turns out that beautiful rainbow colored bubbles come out. Another factor that helped me choose was I had visited my sister's town and her girlfriend had a bunny balloon sitting in her house, so I already knew what it looked like. It's cute, but it just sits there. Maybe I'll get it next time I see Phineas (the sea lion prize man).

Overdue Library Books Dream

Every once in a while, I will have this dream where I suddenly remember that I checked out a bunch of library books months ago. I scramble to locate the pile of books I checked out and can't find all of them or I can't even remember which ones I checked out. The dream I had 2 nights ago was bad because I had checked the books out under my mom's library card. You know the worst you will owe is a couple of bucks, maybe $20 at the most or so, but my mom is such a money freak that in the dream I am freaking out. I remember thinking in the dream, "I never forget when my library books are due! How could this have happened?" I'm not sure what this dream means, or if it means anything at all.

Hilary Duff

Has a "new" album out. I say that because it came out in November, so it's not really new. I also say that because it is a "Best Of" album, which she basically already did with an album called Most Wanted. Does she think we will forget about that? Her last album, Dignity, was great. So does that mean that next she will have a new studio album, and after that a new Greatest Hits? Seems to be the direction she is going in. She released a video, Reach Out. I hate the song because it samples Depeche Mode, so it doesn't seem original at all. I hate the video because she is wearing random dresses and weird outfits and trying to look sexy. She doesn't.

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

I watched this movie today, based on a true story about the editor-in-chief of Elle magazine, some french dude named Jean-Dominique Bauby. He has a stroke and can no longer speak. He ends up writing a book based on blinking his eye when the each letter of the word is spoken by a scribe. It was ridiculous that someone could have the patience to write a book that way. The movie shows you through his eyes how it feels to awake from a stroke and can't speak. Pretty decent movie, I had never seen a film that captured the feelings of confusion and disorientation so well (although it was making me a little lightheaded to watch for awhile). Thanks to Elyse for the recommendation.

Mystery Case Files: Millonheir (Nintendo DS) Review

Nintendo really advertised this game and kept sending me emails to check it out. My little sister really wanted it and a girl I used to work with had it, so I wanted to give it a try. What a disappointment. I loved such games like Professor Layton and Trace Memory and I thought this might be similar, but no. Basically 90% of the game is you staring at the screen looking for hidden objects. Now, I loved those I Spy books as a kid, but this was different. There are a handful of different locations on the game that you have to look for objects in, which just keep getting reused. However, you will be staring at the kitchen scene, looking for really gross things. There are flies in the kitchen, earwigs, nasty beetles, caterpillars, snakes, cats hiding in cupboards. There is even a shoe in the cooking pot. Eww. Then you find the stuff and a new screen starts, so you have to do it all over again, just finding different items. You do this countless times, and every once in a while, the same screen will come back, asking you to find the SAME THINGS YOU ALREADY DID ONCE! Too many disgusting bugs, scary alien faces, eyes staring at you, and other unsettling objects. Very foreboding sounds and music, too. My boyfriend kept getting nervous while I was playing because he would hear a siren and think the neighborhood was in trouble. One scene had this annoying cuckoo clock go off every few seconds--unbearable. I had to turn the sound off on that scene. This game did keep me occupied for a 5 hour plane ride from DC to LA, but otherwise I wouldn't recommend it--just borrow it from a friend that had the misfortune of buying it.

It's Happening

Today at lunch my boyfriend said, "It's happening". And I said, "What, Ann Coulter can talk again?" That was not what he meant. He meant it was allergy season and he was sneezing a lot at work. Though unfortunately she is talking again.

2 month anniversary

Today marks the 2 month anniversary of my blog. Today is also Melanie C's 35 birthday. Today is also the release of Girls Aloud's single, The Loving Kind.

Animal Crossing: City Folk Review

I've played both Animal Crossing for the Gamecube and Animal Crossing: Wild World for the DS and enjoyed them both. So when I started playing the highly anticipated Wii version, I was a little disappointed at how much the game was similar to Wild World. However, I have discovered some new things about the game that got me excited. There is a new character, named Kicks, who shows up every once in awhile to the City. He will "shine" your shoes, meaning he will change the style and color. You could never change your shoes in previous games. You simply had red sneakers with blue and white stockings if you were a girl, and blue sneakers with green and white stockings if you were a boy. That's it. Now Kicks the Skunk will change your shoes according to the color of your hair. However, it costs 500 Bells each time. There is also apparently an animal that will pass out balloons in the town and other prizes, but I haven't seen him yet. There are new fish and bugs, too. I caught a lobster the other day in the ocean! The new changes were not apparent at first when I started playing, but there have been pleasant surprises. They did get rid of that annoying insurance salesman, Lyle. He used to come to your door and make you answer a ton of questions and basically force you to buy insurance. Now he works for the Happy Room Academy, which you can choose to be a part of or not. The bad: having to water your flowers. I'm away from home right now and won't be able to water my flowers so they will die. That's annoying.

New Glass

I know these posts are probably really boring, but here goes another one. Last year, I kept buying small plastic cups and using them once and throwing them out. I really like drinking out of small glasses for some reason. But this is terrible for the environment, not to mention ends up costing a lot over the course of a year! So I found a great size glass, 5" high, at Urban Outfitters. There were 4 designs from the Wizard of Oz. Luke had to talk me out of buying 2 because they were $8 each and I am unemployed. I choose the Scarecrow. I have been using it non-stop since I got it a few days ago!

Thanks to Sam

So I just came back from the post office to pick up packages that came while I was away. To my delight, my friend "Sam" from England sent me the Fonejacker dvds! They are funny prank calls that are put to funny pictures.

The Philadelphia Orchestra sucks

As some of you already know, my childhood pet cat, Sandy (aka "Kitty") died in September of 2007. As I was upset and wanted to do something to help myself and my family in our grieving process, I made a youtube video of Kitty using Claire De Lune by Debussy. I got an email from youtube this week, telling me the Philadelphia Orchestra wants the video removed because I used their song (which they didn't even write!!) My video was helping people grieve, I had gotten messages from a lot of other cat owners who said my video was very nice and they had lost pets in the past, etc. Jeez, some people really know how to be jerks, it's not like I was making money off it.


I saw 2 movies over the holidays and 1 last night. The first was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Wow. This movie was great. There was only one small part in the film which I felt ruined the pacing and didn't really work for the movie. If that part had been removed, I would have given this film the best picture Academy Award for SURE. I'm not going to ruin it for those who haven't seen it, but it deals with Benjamin becoming suddenly omniscient and explaining sequences that lead up to a particular incident (if this had happened 2 seconds earlier or later, then this wouldn't have happened, and so on).

Anyways, the second movie was Doubt, starring Phillip Semour Hoffman and Meryl Streep. I enjoyed the movie, although I think it probably worked better as a stage play than adapted into a movie. Wonderful acting of course. My boyfriend basically hated it. I would turn to look at him and he just looked miserable. It didn't help that the movie theatre was so cold I had to wear my mittens and coat throughout. I would recommend this film. There is a lot to think about the human condition. This film had some great messages.

The film I saw last night was Milk. I enjoyed this one. I didn't know the Harvey Milk story before but what a guy. Gus Van Sant makes a good film (he directed another of my favorites, Good Will Hunting). Sean Penn deserves an Oscar for this. Emile Hirsch also offers a good supporting role.


I've been in Pennsylvania the past few weeks and got home to LA on Sunday morning. Then I had another mini-vacation in Irvine at my boyfriends house, tagging my mp3s on my new MacBook (which I LOVE). Now I'm gonna catch up on some blogs! When I was in Pennsylvania, we stopped at this adorable dollhouse shoppe in downtown Danville. It was owned by this elderly woman who knew a lot about dollhouses. You just don't find those kinds of specialty shops anymore. I got two pieces from the Liberty Bay collection (the mirror and dorrie bookcase). Here is the website to the adorable shoppe:

The Wee Home Shoppe
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