Overdue Library Books Dream

Every once in a while, I will have this dream where I suddenly remember that I checked out a bunch of library books months ago. I scramble to locate the pile of books I checked out and can't find all of them or I can't even remember which ones I checked out. The dream I had 2 nights ago was bad because I had checked the books out under my mom's library card. You know the worst you will owe is a couple of bucks, maybe $20 at the most or so, but my mom is such a money freak that in the dream I am freaking out. I remember thinking in the dream, "I never forget when my library books are due! How could this have happened?" I'm not sure what this dream means, or if it means anything at all.

1 comment:

Joz said...

OH BAAAAABE!! I love my little bookworm!

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